Six Sided Lantern Light

Six Sided Lantern Light

gauge metal sheet and solid rod
85 pounds

 An out of state client has a large gazebo that is being built in the woods next to a creek. He has planned out every aspect of it in great detail, as a safety precaution he wants light that shine all around the gazebo to prevent his guests from a fall or harm themselves during the evening hours.
The gazebo is log and timber beam construction, with a rustic rusty tin roof. The customer wanted a 6 sided light that would add to the location, and existing construction.  The initial conceptual design had over 40 pieces and did not meet the customer’s requirements, so after meeting and getting more details about what the customer is looking for, I was able to design a light that was what the client wanted.
 I forged some sample components, put together some detail renderings, had another meeting and got all the final designs approved.

All the drawings have been handed to the plasma cutter for the body of the lights to be digitized, then we will get a test set of the pieces cut from light gauge metal to make sure of the fit. Then the pieces will all be cut, so the fabrication side of the project will begin.  Forging all the detail components for the lights  has started and will take the better part of next week as there are over 150 pieces to forge. The pictures will show the original conceptual design and the final design that we will build.

Forging is underway.

After over 100 hours the lamps are complete and installed
